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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Lesson Learned


I've decided that above all else, I prefer to photograph people.  I like capturing emotion.  There is not much emotion in a brick wall or a river.  There is emotion in a laughing child, a mother looking at her newborn, a bride surrounded by her bridesmaids.

So last week, when I had to do a project describing Giles County in pictures, I was challenged.  I had to find that emotion I can so easily pinpoint in a living, breathing human being.  And I think I did - but I won't say it wasn't tough and I won't say I didn't get discouraged (see previous post for the images).

Then I started looking back at some old pictures and realized I had been getting good shots of buildings, objects, and the like long before I started really working with people.  This is what I practiced on, before people came into the picture.  The difference is that back then, I didn't think about it quite so much.  Just like I don't think too much into snapping people now.

Stop thinking about it.  Just do it.  Lesson learned.


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